wanna wish happy 20th birthday to my lil sista.
[rosnadiana rosnadir]!
may all ur dreams come true.!
take care while studying in bintulu.
jgn dok maen2 ja.
n we all luv u soo0o much!
actually,sy sudeh plan mahu give her a BIGggggg suprise.
tp mgkin x seberapa BESAR suprise tuh.
sbb de HINT dlm wall fbku.
then mntak tolong INTAN [member ade sy] tuk pick up that cuppies at busten bintulu.
n ask her n the geng to celebrate this birthday gurl on 1200am 24th JULY.
hehe :)
suprise cupcake from me to her.
theme: pet veterinar!
thanx to AMY .
also to intan n the upm bintulu geng!